
Beating the bite & soothing the sting
Knowing how to manage a sting is an important part of being a dog owner. Bee’s will often sting the once and leave a stinger behind (not always), wasps usually sting multiple times. Your dog may become lame, lick the affected area, whine, and develop hives which are small itchy bumps on the skin.

Cats – Are you ready?
A cat can offer their owners unconditional love and companionship and can even help reduce stress, but is a cat or kitten the perfect pet for you?

Cats – What you need to know
You’ve decided that a feline friend is perfect for you, but what do you need to know before you go ahead and welcome them into your home?

Dogs – What you need to know
So, you are ready to find your perfect companion, but what do you need to know before you bring your four-legged friend home?

Dogs – Are you ready?
Dogs, in particular puppies are adorable, and you wouldn’t be looking at this page unless you really like dogs. Having a dog can be a complete joy, but it can take up a lot of your time and space and so you really need to think long and hard before falling for those cute puppy dog eyes.

Don’t bin the litter tray!
Your cat is housetrained, great! They are now going outside to do their business and you want to ditch their smelly indoor loo. Don’t! Would you like to go outside if it was cold, or you feel scared to do your number 1 or 2?

Horse – Are you ready?
The largest of all pets, a horse is a huge commitment and something you need to seriously think about prior to taking the plunge. We take a look at a few questions to see if a horse is the perfect pet for you.

Horse – What you need to know
Being a horse owner is a joy, and the time and effort that you put in really does reap the rewards.

How can you encourage your cat to drink more water?
Like dogs, cats have a special taste bud on their tongue specifically geared towards water which makes It extra tasty. However, unlike dogs, cats do not have a good thirst drive and therefore often do not take in enough water daily. So how can you encourage them?

How to help prevent dental disease in rabbits
What changes can you make to your rabbit’s lifestyle to help minimise dental disease?

Keeping fish is easy right?
Sadly, the welfare of our fish is extremely undervalued, and the belief that fish make easy pets is still very much alive. Fish keeping is not necessarily hard, but it requires time, money, and knowledge.